Tech Tuesday: It's not all Drones and Computers

When we hear “technology” our minds go to the latest computer components, camera, gadgets, etc., but it's not limited to just that. Technology is present in everything, and today we are talking coffee machines. No; not Keurig.  Those of you who know me know that I cannot stand Keurig.  While they offer one of the largest selections of teas and coffees for their home brewers, it pales in comparison to Tassimo in terms of quality.  We have had a Keurig since they came out, practically, and we have had to replace it numerous times.  I saw the Tassimo ages ago at Bed, Bath, and Beyond, and knew that's what we should get.  We could forget about needing to replace a new machine constantly, and the beverages are much higher quality.  Tassimo also has Timmy's (Tim Horton's) coffee, and even though I'm not a huge coffee fan, I LOVE Timmy's!!!  They really need to open one here. If I have a million dollars (it LITERALLY takes that much to open one), I would. Anyway...

The Tassimo comes in different sizes depending on your needs, and range from $99.99-169.99.  The only drawback is that you can’t get just hot water.  You also can't adjust the fluid amount since everything is preset, but that just makes for a higher quality beverage.  The T-Discs have a barcode that the brewer reads. I was lucky enough to find a new CBTL Caffitaly at Out of the Closet (for only $18.00!), so I get hot water that way.  And yes, your microwave will do just fine ;)  Some of the drinks, like cappuccinos and some of the coffees and hot chocolates also come with milk discs that are shelf safe. There is no need to refrigerate them.  I also love that the peppermint mocha comes as two separate discs.  The coffee is in one and the peppermint mocha syrup is in the other. It makes for amazing peppermint hot chocolate! We have been using the Tassimo 1-3 times daily for about a year, and its just about time to descale.  The machine is low maintenance, and the drinks come out perfectly every time.

T20.  Image courtesy of
T47.  Image courtesy of

T55.  Image courtesy of
