What's Going On?

It seems like this month has been the worst in terms of how I have been feeling.  I'm pretty sure that I have been under the weather for most of the month (off and on).  That being said, I have been trying my best to be productive, though things rarely go the way that is expected.  Between feeling like "Death, warmed up", making phone calls because others aren't doing their jobs, and continuing work on my dissertation, things are much more hectic than they need to be.  But I guess that's life, right?  And speaking of, I think we have it all wrong.  At least here, we are so focused on work and other stressful things that we are not taking the time to really appreciate everything Earth has to offer.  When was the last time you went outside, and just took a moment to appreciate it?  The other evening, the sunset was particularly nice.  It reminded me of when I was in Paris with my friend.  My mind started to wander, and I kept thinking that there had to be more to life than all the hustle and bustle.  That we have it all wrong, and we need to just slow down.  This is not everyone's opinion, but I really think that we should be out and about, traveling while we are more able to do so, health-wise (yes, I realize that every body is different, and there will always be outliers, meaning that not every young person is healthy or that every older person is not; this is more of a gneeralization).  Then, work until we die.  I saw my grandfather go stir-crazy because he was so used to working his whole life, he didn't know what to do when he retired.  I have noticed that a lot with those who are older; especially those who started work at a young age.  Work is pretty much all they know, and to go from a work routine to a retirement routine can be difficult.  Okay, enough with the ranting.  There is so much more to it, but I don't want to write a novel-- haha.   
