Did Someone Say, "DEMON HUNTER"?!

It seems like just yesterday Legion was announced at BlizzCon, and now we can finally create Demon Hunters.  I am a couple of days late on this, but I am still super excited about Demon Hunters in WoW.  I haven't created a character yet, but I will in the next couple of days.  Currently, Demon Hunters can only be Blood Elves or Night Elves, but I'm hoping that changes.  How awesome would it be to have a Gnome Demon Hunter?!  I think s/he would be simply adorable...and deadly.  If you would like to learn more about Demon Hunters, wowhead.com has a breakdown that you can read here.

Image courtesy of wowhead.com

There are also new cinematics, and the loss of prominent figures for both Horde and Alliance.  If you would like to see the Broken Shore cinematic, courtesy of Robor, click below.

Once I have a character, I will post its progress as well as my opinions.  What are you looking forward to most with Legion?  Have you created your Demon Hunter?

