#MinsGame: Day 4

We are four days into the #MinsGame, and that means we have gotten rid of 10 items!  The box is beginning to fill up.  This whole process is far easier than I imagined it would be.  I think the difficult part will be the initial upkeep.  Hopefully it won't be a constant battle between needs and wants.  But isn't a lot of this a mindset?  If I think about everything I have, I don't really need any more, well, anything.  Since I have been replacing single-use or limited-use items with products that will supposedly last years (provided I don't break or ruin them), I won't have a need to buy replacements for some time.  You can read our other articles about those purchases here.  Combining paring down with our no-spend July should make for an interesting time.  You know, never did I ever think about how my purchases would affect anything.  It is just stuff.  But in having more things to sift through and take care of, it has added a small layer of stress that was always placed on the back burner.  Who would have thought the accumulation of items could be stress-provoking?  At the end of the first week (28 items) I will post visual of everything that is in the donate and toss boxes.     

Side note:  There will be a few haul posts in the upcoming weeks that are, in their own way, counters to this whole minimalism game.  That being said, around 90% of what is in these hauls will be gifted or are part of a giveaway.     

What are your thoughts on the #MinsGame and letting go?  Let us know in the comments.

Stay beautiful!
