Post-Surgery Update

So I figured I’d give a little update since things have been a bit quiet on the blog.  Monday afternoon I had surgery, and since there were more problems than they thought initially, my recovery period is going to be a bit more lengthy.  Due to the positioning of the stitches, and the incisions, it’s difficult to sit up on my own.  I can also feel that my insides are starting to heal, slowly.  The most comfortable position is laying down, but truth be told, I don’t much care for it.   I’ll be housebound for the better part of a week before any sort of traveling (even to the market).  No lifting, bending, gym activities, yoga, etc. for at least two weeks.  The joys of having a body, eh?  Even with all of the issues I wouldn’t trade it in for the world.  I’ll go into more depth about the surgery later.  Until then, I’m compiling several posts and working on our first video.  It’s hard to believe it’s nearly fall.  Pumpkin Spice is back at Starbucks (you’d think they’d wait until September at least), Halloween and Thanksgiving decor is everywhere, Halloweentime merchandise is back at the Disney parks, and the weather is finally cooling off a bit.

Stay beautiful!
