Happy 2019!

It's hard to believe we are already in a new year.  Most people make resolutions, which is great as long as you keep them-- or at least attempt to accomplish them.  For example, I'd love to be a minimalist.  That being said, I will never live up to the "ideal minimalist", as much as I'd love to have that be a resolution.  Yes, it is a subjective concept.  I often think about how nice it must be to be able to carry everything you own.  Need to leave in a hurry?  Everything is right there.  On the flip side, should your things get stolen, you have to start from scratch.  Guess there are pros and cons to most things.  So, this year, instead of creating a list of resolutions, I am making one for lifestyle changes.
Before we get into the list, here are some notable happenings from 2018:

-  Had an unexpected surgery.
-  Have a mysterious illness that hasn't been diagnosed, but I am getting treatment.
-  Started a new venture.
-  Adopted a second fur-baby.
-  Attended BlizzCon (here's hoping we can get to go this year).
-  Continued a low-waste lifestyle, which is still a work in progress.  I also came to accept that global changes need to be made in the countries where products are manufactured and the plants in which products are produced, in order to really have an impact.  The rest of this is for another post.  

Lifestyle Changes Starting in 2019:

-  Find appreciation in something daily.
-  Keep up with the blog and stay on schedule (this includes starting up our YouTube channel).
-  Go back to using a daily planner.
-  Downsize and declutter my own products-- Okay, maybe it's not really a life change.  What will be is making sure that the downsizing sticks.       
-  Open up my shop.  More on that to come.
Are there more?  Probably, but those are what I thought of first.

Through the month of January, I'm also trying the "no-spend" trend.  With few exceptions, I'm doing my best not to spend anything on frivolous items for the next 31 days.  Should anything need replacing, the first stop will be at the local charity shop.  Aside from aiming for simplicity, I also want to use up everything I have before buying anything else.  

Remember that you don't have to wait for a new year to begin before you start making changes.  Every day is a new day, which means that you can always have a fresh start with each dawn.  So, my friends, let us start 2019 off on a positive note.  I appreciate the love in the universe even when things seem bleak.  What lifestyle changes will you be implementing that will help you live your best life?  Let us know in the comments!  And, as always...   

Stay beautiful!
