This is going to be a bit of a ramble, so read on if you're interested. Zero-waste has become more and more popular, which is wonderful in many ways. That being said, there is a lot of controversy over the term. There is no way to truly be zero-waste, so we've decided to adopt a low-waste lifestyle. Yes, there are some things we still buy in packaging, mostly because we like to try a variety of products,, but we are far more conscious of what we buy, how products are packaged, how the packaging can be disposed, etc. We can only do the best with what we have. Another misconception is that you have to change everything at once. All is takes is one small step to make a big impact on the whole. If you choose to change your lifestyle, whether it's to start bringing your own straws, using reusable produce bags, cycling instead of diriving to destinations, etc. it will make a positive impact, even if you don't see it. Also, don't be discour...