My Day at The Broad

Image courtesy of & Diller Scofidio + Renfro The Broad and Walt Disney Concert Hall Not the best angle. My dad and I have always enjoyed museums and art galleries. My other family members, not so much. When he said he was able to get tickets I was quite excited. The Broad houses one of my favorite Jasper Johns paintings, some Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, Pablo Picasso, and other famous works. When we first approached the building, it was like it had a life of its own. The eye (oculus meeting room) and outer design have this fluidity about it that reminds me of some sort of futuristic living building. Some might find the building cold and industrial, but I thought it was a great juxtaposition of modern and primitive design. The inside concrete walls resemble a cave. I suppose if I were to stay with my "living building" theory, it is much like the arteries and veins. The second floor is a magni...