
Showing posts from March, 2015

Jet-setting in Style with ZUCA

Pro Travel. Image courtesy of One of the best purchases I have ever made was my ZUCA ($295.00).  I've had mine for almost 10 years, and it looks nearly brand-new.  So far, it has been with me on every trip, from the States to Japan, and everywhere in between.  Since I only travel with carry-ons, this is the perfect travel companion.  All of my clothes fit (I use SpaceBags to save space) as does my toiletry bag, shoes, and anything else I need.  The fragile items go in my backpack. Pro Travel w/ Inserts. Image courtesy of Image courtesy of  ZUCA is super lightweight due to the aluminum-alloy frame, and no matter what the terrain, it is easy to pull.  The only downside is that it does not have 360-degree wheels...but it couldn't.  If it did, there would be no way to sit on it!  I love the fact that I can use it as a seat anywhere.  No chair?  No problem!  It will support up to 300 lbs.  The main insert bag is removable

Growing Up Hapa

Image courtesy of pinterest Okay, I know the term "hapa" was not originally meant to be a positive term, but it honestly doesn't bother me.  I never thought that growing up as half Japanese and half White would be a plus until I was older.  Growing up I was surrounded by kids who were "whole".  They were White, Black, Hispanic, you name it, but very rarely did I encounter anyone who was mixed.  As a child, I remember being asked, "What are you?" and being told, "You're weird."  That had a profound affect on how I identified, and did a number on my self-esteem.  I was never a "whole" anything, and I so desperately wanted to be like everyone else.  My bestest-best friend is also mixed, but she moved away when we were still in grade school.  It also didn't help that my White side was far less accepting of my being mixed than my Japanese side (I've always felt more connected to them)...not all of my White relatives, b

The End of Downton Abbey

Image courtesy of I am so sad to see reports (this one is from PBS ) that Downton Abbey 's last season may very well be its 6th.  I don't think that Julian Fellowes, nor anyone else, thought it would become such a successful and influential series.  Downton Abbey has become a global phenomenon.  While I can see the series go on indefinitely (and who wouldn't want to see how the family changes up into the 21st century?) I can understand why it may take its final bow.  It can be good to "quit while you're ahead".  Rarely does a show make you feel a part of it.  I don't know how to explain it, but when I watch it, I feel like I am emotionally invested even though it is television program.  Maybe it's the writing or casting, I'm not sure; it just has this air about it.  Downton Abbey has shown all of the changes in fashion, language, dance, gender roles, hierarchy, and the change in how households were run.  Even though it is not

Wellness Wednesday: Let's Talk Periods

Some things should be kept private, but this is an exception.  Until recently, there wasn't much talk on what we experience during periods.  "Aunt Flo(w)", "rag", "The Red Tide", call it what you will...nobody likes periods.  Okay, maybe they are, in general, a relief to get at times, but overall, they suck.  I, personally, experience low back pain and a sore chest.  There are times when my back hurts so much that even laying down is uncomfortable.  My chest swells and is so sore that it hurts to just take a shower or wear a bra (so glad they have padded sports bras now!).  I will never forget an experience I had one night at Disneyland.  My "twister" and I were walking towards the Jungle Cruise.  It was quite crowded, and this guy next to me was talking to his girlfriend.  He said something to her and stretched out his arm, whacking my right in the chest.  I grabbed my chest and thought I was going to pass out...He looked over, eyes as

Makeup Monday: Billy B's Makeup Brushes

Image courtesy of & Billy B Beauty So, I wrote about the Billy B makeup brushes when I first purchased them years ago (I want to say it's been about 10, or near it).  Now that is has been awhile, I thought I would update you on whether or not they are still kickin'.  Billy Brasfield (Billy B) is an amazing makeup artist who made a name for himself, and has worked on a plethora of celebrities throughout his career.  He has also been an inspiration to countless aspiring MUAs, and I love his work.   Anyway, he had (literally) just come out with these amazing makeup brushes, and those who attended the seminar were the first to be able to purchase them.  From what I remember, they sold out.  Anyway, I have used them on photo shoots and sets, and they have not fallen apart yet.  Each brush is very well made, lightweight, and the short handle makes them very travel-friendly.  The retractable lip brush has a wonderful enclosure, so you can rest assured that j

Today is a Beautiful Day!

The sky from right out my front door Today, "sunny Southern California" isn't so least, not yet.  It is quite overcast, and I love it.  It's one of those, "I should go to the beach!" days.  Most people find it gloomy, but it is a welcome change from the 90-degree weather we have had lately.  Maybe I will go to Disneyland...or just head out for a stroll.  At any rate, I wish I was outside.  I am not, by any means, a fan of cold weather (and yes, I mean 65 and below), but this is lovely.  Maybe it'll be a good day after all.

Yes, I play WoW, and Love It!

If you had asked me 10 years ago, I would have said that I would never play World of Warcraft.  I didn't see the point, and thought that it was a waste of time.  Plus, I had played (only once) and thought it was idiotic that I had to wait to be hit before I could hit back.  Well, times have changed, and I used a trial that my friend had.  My first character is part of the Alliance.  I created a Death Knight (blood) and named her Darphynia.  She is a dwarf with glowing eyes and loves to attack/kill everything in sight.  She also loves to mine, is an engineer, and loves her pets and mounts.  Don't let her size fool you...she'll zap ya faster than you can slap a tick!  Within the first week of playing, I found myself not wanting to go anywhere after I had finished my daily routines because I felt that I needed to became somewhat of an obsession.  Fortunately, I can say that that phase did not last long, and now it is over.  I prefer to quest, but dungeons

A Note on the Mackeeper

While at CES, we chanced upon the MacKeeper booth.  MacKeeper (est. 2010) is a program designed to protect and clean your Mac.  All you need to do is download the application, choose a subscription plan , and start running an analysis.  I was a bit skeptical at first because I had seen the pop-ups before, and thought it might be a scam to gain access to information, files, etc.  Please do NOT download it from any pop-up; you're just asking for trouble-- get it legitimately, if you decide to.  I digress. After CES, they were kind enough to send me a trial key, and I am so glad I used it.  The version I tried was 3.3.1.  After the first scan, my Mac was running far better than it had been.  There is a meter that goes from green to red .  There was a breakdown of everything that was scanned and found.  The problem here is that most people won't read through it, and if they do, might not understand it.  On the scan screen, there is also an option to speak with a

Fashion Friday: Be Kind to Your Feet with Sanuk's Yoga Chakra Sandals

Sanuk boasts that they make the most comfortable footwear.  In fact, their motto is, "Never uncomfortable."  From what I have bought and experienced, I have to agree.  The Yoga Charkra Sanuks are a pair of my favorite sandals!  They are, hands down, the most comfortable sandals I own.  Each pair is partially made from yoga mats (how cool is that?)!  When I put them on, my foot just sinks in, similar to when you lay on a foam mattress.  My feet always feel a sense of relief; like they are thanking me for cushioning them so well.    There are so many different styles , patterns, and colors of Sanuks to choose from, and they are incredibly lightweight.  No matter where I am traveling, I always take a pair of their sandals.  Whether I am spending a whole day trekking around the Disney theme parks, traveling about this beautiful world, or just out for a stroll, these are my go-to sandals.  I have quite a few pairs of sandals and other footwear from them, and in the years I have

Tech Tuesday: Foreo Luna Mini

Foreo Luna Mini.  Image courtesy of No, you're not seeing double.  I did a short review that wasn't really a review, of the Luna mini , awhile back.  I had not yet purchased the Luna Mini, but did shortly after.  During CES 2013, I happened upon the Foreo booth.  My first thought was that it was some kind of pleasure object.  It was around other booths that fit that genre, the items are made from silicone, and they vibrate.  As I was talking to one of their representatives, I was informed that it was a new way to clean your face.  I am an avid Clarisonic user, and have said so from the beginning, but I thought I would give this a try.  I like that it is made of silicone, and that it has a non-porous surface.  Sorry the photo quality isn't the greatest.  Under the device is the USB cable & Authenticity card. The package comes with the Luna Mini, USB cable, User Guide, and Authenticity Card.  It is important to register the product when you get it,

Makeup Monday: Sunday Riley Ceramic Slip Cleanser

Ceramic Slip.  Image courtesy of Normally I don't purchase items after just one to two uses.  I had purchased some items on Sephora's website , and one of the free samples to choose from was Sunday Riley Ceramic Slip Cleanser .  I was happily surprised that after the first use my skin felt so clean and smooth.  Since the results were so wonderful, I ended up purchasing two bottles at once!  Within a week, my skin felt like, well, ceramic.  My pores were less visible, and while they cannot in actuality be changed permanently (thank you, genetics *note sarcasm*), my skin as a whole looked better.  You have to shake the bottle first, then just one pump on my Clarisonic is all it takes.  If you do not have a Clarisonic, no worries.  Whatever you use will work. The cleanser does foam but not excessively.  It contains green clay, Vitamin C, black pepper, and other stimulating ingredients.  The scent is very unique.  A bit like light vinegar with a hint of black

Subscription Box Sunday

I have been thinking about doing a subscription box piece over the weekend, so here we are. Sorry the photo is a bit wonky!  These were the items in my Birichbox this month.  Oops!  I forgot to include the hair mask packet. This is my fourth Birchbox , and so far I have been really pleased.  There is always a variety.  In this box, there was a lip crayon by mirenesse , small sample of eye cream by Supergoop !, small sample of No. 4 clarifying shampoo , small sample of No. 4 hair mask (not pictured), Cargo blush , and travel-sized Oscar Blandi mousse .  Unfortunately, the shampoo's cap had come unscrewed, and leaked everywhere. The shampoo got all over the other products, and was partially absorbed into the box & wrapping tissue.  Each box is $10.00, though it is cheaper if you subscribe for multiple boxes at a time.  Shipping is included, which a nice.  At first, I was unsure if the price would be worth it; so far, it has.  I also tried out the men's box .  it

My First Best Friend and My Bestest-Best Friend

Normally, Saturdays are reserved for small businesses, but today I'm doing something a little bit different. People come and go throughout your time on this planet.  Some people believe that individuals enter their lives for a reason, even if it is short-lived.  Have you ever had that one friend who you just instantly connected with, and no matter how many years separated you (communication-wise), you could just pick up where you left off?  That kind of friendship is very rare.  The me now is much different than the me decades ago.  I was very reclusive, and did not socialize easily.  That was partially due to being raised around a lot of adults, and partially due to the separation anxiety I had (so glad I don't have that problem anymore!). Sally was my first best friend, and when she moved away in the 2nd grade, it was difficult.  I can remember sleepovers at her house, and these really cool color-changing, purple Kool-Aid cups.  We used to go to Big Bear, and our families

Living with Grave's Disease

Here is a little bit more about me.  I really hedged on whether or not to post personal things.  I feel a bit different when it comes to medical conditions, though, since some people want information from those who go through it.  It can be a comfort to know you are not alone.  It is important to keep in mind that not all experiences are the same.  What I've gone through may not be the same what as you or your loved one has.      I was diagnosed with Grave's Disease in 2010.  I was tired all the time, my eyes were protruding, and losing weight rapidly, but that part I never noticed, and so I went to the hospital.  Okay, I honestly went to the hospital because I was being yelled at; this person thought I was being dramatic, but I wasn't.  She also thought I was exaggerating the pain from the herniated disc until she went with me to the neurosurgeon who was surprised I could even sit...anyway, that's in the past, and I'm sidetracking.  I get to my GP&

Wellness Wednesday: Chicken Noodle Soup, Korean Style

I love to cook and try out new recipes.  I'm also, probably, one of the only people who truly loves grocery shopping.  From making vegan/vegetarian dishes to plates that would satisfy any carnivore, there's relatively nothing I won't try.  For awhile, I have been watching Maangchi's Korean food videos (was on a huge Korean food kick for some time).  She is absolutely adorable, and I love her little animations during her videos.  Recently, I went out and bought a ttukbaegi for different foods, and have some radish water kimchi (dongchimi) in the fridge.  So far, I've made several dishes (except those with fish in them, since I'm not huge on it...unless it's swai, sea bass, halibut, or even cod, since they aren't fishy), including her rice cake soup (tteokguk), which is my personal favorite.  But today, we feature her chicken noodle soup (dak-kalguksu).  It is so easy to make, and you can purchase the noodles at any Korean market.  When I was at VONS, t

Tech Tuesday: It's not all Drones and Computers

When we hear “technology” our minds go to the latest computer components, camera, gadgets, etc., but it's not limited to just that. Technology is present in everything, and today we are talking coffee machines. No; not Keurig.  Those of you who know me know that I cannot stand Keurig.  While they offer one of the largest selections of teas and coffees for their home brewers, it pales in comparison to Tassimo in terms of quality.  We have had a Keurig since they came out, practically, and we have had to replace it numerous times.  I saw the Tassimo ages ago at Bed, Bath, and Beyond, and knew that's what we should get.  We could forget about needing to replace a new machine constantly, and the beverages are much higher quality.  Tassimo also has Timmy's (Tim Horton's) coffee, and even though I'm not a huge coffee fan, I LOVE Timmy's!!!  They really need to open one here. If I have a million dollars (it LITERALLY takes that much to open one), I would. Anyway...

Makeup Monday: Cellessence SkinCare

Whether you wear makeup daily or not, your skin definitely takes a beating.  Great looks begin with good skin; CellEssence has a great line of anti-aging skincare.  CellEssence sent me samples of two of their products: NUVACELL Wrinkle Repair Serum and Anti-Aging Skin Cream , to test out.  So much science has gone into their products, and they go beyond just superficial skincare.   Image courtesy of Within a couple of days, I noticed a difference in my skin as a whole.  The eye cream made me look far less fatigued, and has decreased the look of dark circles.  For those of you who do not know, I have not been sleeping (or resting as I should) well for about a year.  Wish I had a before photo, because the dark circles under my eyes looked like mascara and eyeliner had run under them…needless to say it was not flattering.  The eye serum has also evened out my skin tone and reduced the look of the few lines I was beginning to get.  I have tried out several ey

Fashion Friday: Where'd Ya Get Those Earrings?

My current collection. Aren't these just some of the cutest earrings?  They are made my Shelly and her team at Nerdy But Still Girly.  You can learn more about her shop my clicking here .  The earrings in the top row are all inspired by some of my favorite things:  The Sims Plumbob, R2D2, and Felix the Cat.  I am, and have been hugely into The Sims even though Sims 4 has been, more or less, a huge downgrade...I cling to the hope that it will get better, and will save my rant for a gaming post.  R2D2 is my favorite character next to the Ewoks, and I grew up watching Felix.  The bottom row contains Disney cartoon and The Golden Girls -inspired characters:  Madam Mim, Ursula, The White Rabbit, The March Hare, and our favorite geriatrics: Dorothy, Sophia, Rose, and Blanche.   Cling earrings come in two parts. This is how my earrings travels. I love that the cling earrings ($12.00/pair), which measure about an inch, can be worn alone or with the back piece.

Wellness Wednesday: My Life After Surgery

Anyone who knows me knows that I have not kept my body up.  I was a weight-lifter in high school, took yoga at the junior college, and that was pretty much it.  It will be two years ago July that everything changed, and I realized how much I could have been doing.  You know how they say you have to lose something to really appreciate what you have?  Well, that happened, in a manner of speaking.  I will have to start from the beginning, and I apologize.  This may be longer than I anticipate...It is my story and personal experience with a C-Spine fusion. For no apparent reason, one of my C-Spine discs herniated.  What does that mean?  Well, it meant that I needed to have a spinal fusion (anterior cervical discectomy) that entailed a silicone-type implant, titanium plate and screws, and the end of everything I loved to do.  NEVER in my life have I experienced that kind of physical pain.  I had taken a nap.  My neck was a little stiff, but nothing out of the ordinary.  When I woke up I w